Quotes from I'm With the Band

"Stop looking up my shorts." -Bill
"Why would we? There's nothing to see." -Neal
"Just keep climbing, Wonder Woman." -Sam
"There is something to see." -Bill

"You know, to be honest, I don't smell so good. I could probably use a shower." -Bill

"It sounds like some space thing." -Daniel
"So. What's wrong with that?" -Nick
"Space blows." -Ken

"You can do whatever you want if you believe in yourself." -Lindsay
"No one's ever said that to me before." -Nick
"Well, it's true." -Lindsay

"It's just a lot easier for me to drum without fabric down my thighs." -Nick

"This is it, I'm gonna die in gym class." -Neal

"I hope I can still have kids." -Bill
"Come on, you got hit in the groin, you didn't have a hysterectomy." -Neal

"You know, you and Yoko here have turned music into school." -Daniel

"Will girls ever like us?" -Sam
"I think our best play is to go for the smart sexy librarian type." -Neal

"Sam, you have a beautiful body. You're an Adonis, a slab of beef. If I wasn't your sister, oh my God..." -Lindsay

"What is wrong with them? Why do they think that hitting people with towels is so funny?" -Neal
"If it wasn't us, it would be kind of funny." -Bill

"You should have seen the looks on those guys' faces. I think I ruined their love of music forever." -Nick

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