Synopsis of Looks and Books

Written by TK

The freaks talk Lindsay into stealing her dad's station wagon to help them move some band equipment for a party. As Kim is pointing out the house where they're going, Lindsay crashes into a car backing out of a driveway. In the ensuing argument with the woman driving the other car, the freaks are not helpful at all, and just escalate the situation with their nasty comments.

Sam watched Todd and Cindy Sanders together in the hallway, and can't understand what she sees in him. Bill and Neal tell him it's probably Todd's feathered hair.

Lindsay is, of course, very grounded for her misdeed, and when her father tells her she's not allowed to hang out with her burn-out friends anymore, she assures him she won't. Millie chooses that time to come over to Lindsay's house and reach out to her as a friend, which Lindsay totally appreciates.

Sam is having trouble getting his shirt on over his beautifully feathered hair when he's getting ready for school. Lindsay decides to dress in a pink sweater buttoned up to the neck and a modest below-the-knee skirt with her hair up in girlie barettes. Her parents notice the transformation.

At school, Lindsay tells off Daniel, Kim and Ken, and says that they're selfish and losers and she doesn't want to hang out with them anymore.

At lunch, the freaks are saying that they don't need Lindsay anyway, and they're not such losers. Kim says she wants to be a lawyer. Nick says Lindsay's probably so upset because he broke up with her. Lindsay goes to sit with Millie and the other mathletes, and admires a new Texas Instruments calculator one of the girls got from her father. Millie invites Lindsay to a slumber party on Friday, and Lindsay says she's grounded, but she'll ask.

Sam, Neal, Bill, and Gordon are sitting around discussing Sam's new hair-do. No one's very impressed. Cindy comes by looking for a pencil, and asks Sam if he was wearing a hat today, 'cause his hair looks flat. Sam is devastated. Neal recommends Sam try dressing better.

At dinner at the Weir household, Harold is bitching about getting the car fixed, Sam asks for money so he can go clothes shopping without his mother, and Lindsay says she'll have to stay late at school 'cause she's rejoining the mathletes.

At school the next day, Lindsay goes to Mr. Kowchevski and tells him she wants to be a mathlete again. He says that's great, and he's love to have her back, but there isn't currently space on the team. He says she can come to practice, and they'll see what happens.

Kim and Daniel are hanging out in the stairwell when the bell rings. Kim says she has to go to class, Daniel wants to blow it off. Kim gets mad at him, saying she really wants to go to class, and Daniel calls her Lindsay. She stomps off to class in a huff, and Daniel is left looking lost in an empty hallway.

Lindsay has lunch with the mathletes again, and is making nerdy jokes with the best of them. Everyone is glad to have her back except one annoying girl named Shelly who took her first block seat on the team. Shelly starts saying terrible things about the freaks, and really pisses off Lindsay.

Lindsay goes to Mr. Kowchevski and insists that he put her back on the team. He says he can't bounce someone who has been showing up all year. She reminds him how good she is, and how she should be on the team if he wants to win.

Sam is clothes shopping with Bill, and find a really cool disco store. A salesman recommends a light blue Parisian evening suit that Sam excitedly buys.

Mr. Kowchevski announces that Lindsay will be back on the team for tomorrow's match, and Millie will be sitting out. Millie says it's okay, Shelly says it's totally not okay, and Lindsay is caught between apologizing to Millie and fighting with Shelly.

Sam dances in the mirror with his very cool new light blue Parisian evening suit.

Lindsay and Millie are studying at Millie's house. Lindsay says how much she wants to wipe out Shelly.

Lindsay comes home and tells her mom she'll be having dinner in her room 'cause she wants to study. Her mom says she's been studying so much lately, Lindsay says that's what she has to do if she wants to kill Shelly. Her mom asks if Shelly is someone on the opposing team, and is a little concerned when Lindsay says that she's a teammate.

Sam strolls into school in his new light blue Parisian evening suit, and struts down the hall until he notices everyone is laughing at him. He tries to escape to go home and change, but is caught by a hall monitor who sends him to class.

In class, it only gets worse when Sam is called up to do work on the blackboard and the entire class coughs "homo" at him.

Daniel is walking across the lawn at school, and stops to talk to Harris who is reading the Monster Manual, a Dungeons and Dragons handbook. As soon as Harris assures himself that Daniel isn't going to beat him up, he's curious about what Daniel has to say. Daniel asks what Harris thinks of him. Does Harris think he's a loser? Harris says no, 'cause Daniel has sex, but other than the sex thing, yeah, pretty much a loser. Daniel expresses his appreciation for Harris and how together Harris seems.

It's the beginning of the mathlete match. Lindsay's parents are there. Kim walks quietly in and sits down in the back row. She notices Nick there, who claims he was just killing time and quickly leaves.

Sam is calling his next-door neighbor at home, trying to get her to come pick him up from school since he can't reach his mom at home. Alan White comes by and starts giving Sam a really hard time. Sam throws Alan up against a locker and then makes a run for it. Just as it looks like Alan is going to turn Sam in to a bloody pulp, Mr. Rosso comes upon them and breaks it up. Sam asks Mr. Rosso for a ride home.

At the beginning of the match, Lindsay tries really hard to psyche out Shelly. Shelly remains calm. Then it's Lindsay's turn up. Kim, Daniel and Ken are all in the back row cheering for her, and when their loudness draws Harold's attention, they point out the spare fender they brought for him that at their feet. Lindsay answers her first question in lightening speed.

Sam is at home, and Mr. Rosso tells him to get changed and he'll drive him back to school. Sam doesn't want to go back. Mr. Rosso tells Sam to let people laugh and don't lose pride in who you are. Mr. Rosso says being cool is all about confidence, and if you think you're cool other will thing you're cool too.

Lindsay finishes her round and wins every question. The freaks are cheering even louder from the back row. As she goes to sit down, she slyly wishes Shelly good luck on her round. Shelly freezes up on the first question, not even writing anything down. Lindsay starts to feel bad for so successfully psyching Shelly out.

At Millie's slumber party, everyone is ragging on Shelley and hoping she'll be kicked off the team. Lindsay is quiet.

Sam has Neal and Bill sleeping over, and they discuss Mr. Rosso's theory. Neal says he's always thought he was cool, but no one else does. Bill says that's caus Neal isn't cool, but Sam does seem cooler already now that he's thinking he's cool.

Everyone is sleeping at Millie's slumber party except for Lindsay. She sneaks out, but gets caught by Millie. Millie asks her where she's going, maybe to use the bathroom over at her house? Lindsay says she can't do this, it's not where she's at... things are different. Millie asks her what she's going to do. She doesn't know, she just knows she doesn't want to be a mathlete. Millie says that's okay, but asks if they can still play Uno sometimes. Lindsay assures Millie that they'll always be friends.

Lindsay goes to find the freaks who are hanging out by their cars outside a store. Kim is trying to convince everyone that they should go see a foreign film. Although everyone grumbles, Daniel is the first to say that he'll go, and everyone else goes along with him. Lindsay approaches them. Kim tells her they're going to see a foreign film. Lindsay asks if she can come along. All is forgiven. As they're getting into their cars, Nick pulls Lindsay aside and says he's glad that she's feeling better about their breakup.

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